Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dental Options At Origin Dental

Dr. Tran creates personalized treatment plans for patients that meet individual needs and restore smiles back to health and happiness.

We can treat damaged, decayed, or missing teeth with a variety of restorative options.

Origin Dental is experienced with dental implants, endodontics, and full mouth restorations.

Why we recommend getting restorative care as soon as possible

If you suspect that you may have a cavity, infected tooth, or otherwise damaged tooth, you need to get help right away. Getting restorative care can help relieve your pain and discomfort. If you don’t come in to see Dr. Tran at Origin Dental right away, your condition could worsen.

Treating the issue while it’s still relatively minor will save you both time and money. A small cavity, for example, usually will only require treatment with a filling. If you do not get treatment, the cavity may grow, potentially requiring a root canal and a crown, or even extraction and replacement with a dental implant. Getting immediate care will not only save you money in the long run, but it will also allow you to save your natural tooth.

Common restorative dental treatments

Fillings are, by far, the most common restorative treatment, and are used to treat most minor-to-moderate cases of tooth decay. Dr. Tran will simply use a dental drill to remove damaged or decayed enamel, then fill your tooth with a metal-amalgam or composite material to restore its natural function and its appearance. Treating cavities early with a filling is the best way to avoid problems like infected teeth.

If you have a tooth that is cracked, damaged, or seriously decayed, Dr. Tran may recommend a a dental crown to restore your tooth. During this process, Dr. Tran will remove the infected material and clean and disinfect the tooth. Next, he will shape the tooth into a stable platform, to which a crown can be attached. Then, he will take dental impressions and send them to a lab where your crown will be custom built. You’ll be sent home with a temporary crown, and you’ll come back to Origin Dental in a few weeks for your permanent crown to be attached. This crown will entirely cover your remaining enamel, protecting your tooth.

I’m missing one or more teeth. Do you offer dental implants?

Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking solution for missing teeth. The post of the implant is a titanium rod that is surgically inserted into your jawbone and acts as an artificial tooth root. After the post has been placed and your gums have completely healed, Dr. Tran will create a custom crown that attaches to it, so your smile and your confidence are restored. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime, so consider this a long-term investment in your dental health. If you’re missing teeth, give us a call today to learn more about this lifelong solution.

Do you offer mini dental implants?

Mini implants are a solution for patients who are missing teeth, but aren't able to undergo invasive surgery and repeat dental appointments, or have lost too much bone mass in their jaws to receive a full-sized implant. In these cases, mini implants may be the best option to restore your smile. Dr. Tran can usually install a mini implant in just one visit using local anesthesia and without any sutures. If you’re missing teeth, give our restorative dental team a call and schedule a consultation to determine if this is the best option for you.

What if I need more than one restorative surgery?

At Origin Dental, no issue is too big or too small. If you want a straight, bright smile, Dr. Tran will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan —no matter how extensive. Dr. Tran is skilled and experienced, and he will make sure that patients in need of multiple treatments will feel comfortable and informed throughout every step of the restorative process. If you’re interested in full-mouth reconstruction, come in and visit our Sorrento Valley dentists to learn more about what we can do for you and your smile.

How do I know if I need endodontic surgery?

Signs of a badly inflamed or infected tooth include a severe toothache, extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and pain when chewing. If you notice these symptoms, Dr. Tran may suggest endodontic surgery to save your tooth. Endodontic surgery and therapy involves treating damaged root surfaces or the surrounding bone of the tooth. These endodontic treatments include root canal therapy, which involves Dr. Tran cleaning the damaged area of your tooth and resealing it to bring it back to health. Call us today if you have a tooth that needs restoring.

What are my sedation options during restorative surgery?

At Origin Dental, Dr. Tran offers oral conscious sedation. This type of sedation does not require the use of any needles. You simply take a strong anti-anxiety medication, usually about an hour before your appointment. Then, you’ll be able to sit back and relax in the dentist’s chair. You will not remember most of the procedure, and you may even fall asleep during treatment. If you are nervous about an upcoming dental surgery like a root canal, this is a great way for you to get relief from stress and anxiety. Almost all patients are eligible candidates for sedation at Origin Dental, so just contact us for more information.

Learn More About Restorative Dentistry

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