Oral Surgery

Dentists sometimes recommend oral surgery in San Diego to patients who need advanced care. “Oral surgery” is an umbrella term that covers a number of intensive dental procedures. Oral surgeons provide compassion, professional dental care for complex cases. 

Common Oral Surgery Procedures

Dentists in San Diego can perform a wide variety of procedures that range in complexity from easy to complex. Because everyone is different, some procedures may be simple in some cases and more involved in others. Sometimes a dentist may combine procedures to resolve a problem, such as removing an irreversibly damaged tooth and replacing it with a dental implant. 

Tooth extractions

Also known as having a tooth “pulled,” an extraction involves removing a tooth that is too damaged or diseased to save. In most cases, dentists perform tooth extractions only when other treatments won’t work. 

Tooth extractions are usually simple and straightforward, but they can be complicated in some cases. The roots of the damaged or diseased tooth may be attached to the jawbone, for example, or there may be an infection deep inside the gum. 

Wisdom teeth often need removal before they emerge, or “erupt,” from the gum. Impacted teeth, which erupt sideways or partway through the gum, can put continuous and damaging pressure on surrounding teeth until a dentist extracts it; wisdom teeth often become impacted and need extraction. 

Dental implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. A dental implant features a metal rod that your dentist implants into your jaw. In a process known as osseointegration, the jaw’s bone tissue fuses with the metal rod to create a sturdy artificial tooth root. After osseointegration is complete, usually within a few months, your dentist places a natural-looking crown on the dental implant.

Patients love dental implants because they look, feel, and function like real teeth. Unlike dentures that can slip and slide around, when you speak, laugh or eat, dental implants always stay in place. 

Placing dental implants requires extensive training, knowledge, and experience. If you choose to replace missing teeth with dental implants, be sure to choose an oral surgeon who is skilled in the placement of dental implants. 

Bone grafting

Bone grafting adds volume and density to the jawbone of patients who have lost bone there. The loss of bone density in the jawbone can cause teeth to become loose or fall out altogether.

Dentists often perform gone grafts before placing dental implants, when gum disease has destroyed bone tissue in the upper or lower jaw, or when bone loss threatens to cause the loss of nearby teeth. Bone grafts can also make dentures fit better.

Gum contouring

Also known as a gum lift, gum contouring can treat uneven gum lines or “gummy smiles.” Gum contouring can also correct gums that are receding. The gum contouring procedure involves the removal of excess gum tissue and the reshaping of the gum line. 

Dental sedation during oral surgery

Oral surgery can be stressful. In some cases, oral surgery can be uncomfortable. Fortunately, your dentist can administer dental sedation to make your procedure less stressful and more comfortable. Our anesthesia team can offer several types of dental sedation, such as:

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  • Oral sedation, in which you take a pill or swallow prescription liquid prior to your procedure
  • Intravenous (IV) sedation, in which you receive sedating medication through a needle in your arm

Choosing the Right Oral Surgeon in San Diego

Choosing the right dental surgeon in San Diego is easier than you might think. First, find out where the dentist went to dental school and received advanced training in oral surgery. Next, learn about the professional dental organizations the dentist belongs to.

Determine the services offered by the oral surgeon. Choose an oral surgeon that offers a wide variety of surgical procedures, as you will likely need to undergo several oral surgeries throughout your life; using the same oral surgeon creates continuity that may improve your overall care. 

The oral surgeon’s office should be clean, comfortable, well-equipped, and well-staffed. Staff members should be kind, patient, and willing to answer questions. 

Referrals for oral surgery

Some patients seek out a surgeon on their own, but others are referred by their general dentist. Our dentist in San Diego accepts referrals for all types of dental surgeries, but we also provide general dentistry services to help support the everyday oral health needs of our patients. 

For more information about oral surgery in San Diego, consult with our dentists. We have the training and experience to offer dental surgery San Diego residents rely on for exceptional dental health.

Learn More About Oral Surgery

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